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There are a few reasons why adopting a pet might not be a good option for your family. As parents, sometimes we just aren’t ready for the added responsibility that comes with having a real pet. And no matter how good kids are, there is a really good chance that you will end up being the main caretaker for any pets you may adopt. Or perhaps you might feel that your kids aren’t quite ready for the responsibility of taking care of a real pet themselves, so you would prefer to wait a while before adopting one. Or maybe, someone in your family is allergic to cats, dogs, and other animals.
While all these are really good reasons for holding off on adopting a pet, what do you do if your kids really want a pet but the time just isn’t right?
There are a lot of great toy options out there for kids who really want a pet but aren’t ready for the responsibilities that come along with taking care of a real one. Many of these toys look and behave just like real pets and can keep your kids occupied for ages. They are great playmates and companions and some of them will even give kids a small taste of the responsibilities that go along with having a pet. And the best part is that there are lots of different options available and you don’t need to spend a fortune to find the best ones. Here are a couple of our favorites!
FurReal Ricky
FurReal Ricky is a fantastic doggy pet that is almost as good as a real dog! Not only is he really cute, but he also does tricks, barks, gives loving kisses when you pet his cheeks, and can even high-five!
FurReal Ricky really loves his treats, so don’t forget to spoil him! And just like a real dog, he will poop… Who said that picking up poop can’t be fun 😉
Ricky is perfect for kids from about 4 years old, and he is an awesome pet dog for kids who aren’t ready for a real dog or those who might be allergic to dogs.
Joy For All Golden Pup
The Joy For All Golden Pup is another very cute, very cuddly electronic pet dog that has lifelike movements and sounds. It has “bark-back” technology that allows the puppy to respond when you speak to him. It also has built-in sensors that allow it to respond to movements and touch. Not only that but it even has a heartbeat!
When you aren’t around, the Joy For All Golden Pup will go to sleep, and you can wake it up by gently patting it on the head.
This toy pet is perfect for kids from the age of 5, but is also marketed as a companion pet for old folks who need comfort and companionship.
Little Live Pets – Lil’ Dippers
Lil’ Dippers are awesome pets for kids who love fish and water! These really cute little pets come to life as soon as you put them in water, and they are fun and interactive. They have beautiful life-like movements and swim naturally through the water just like pet fish that are alive!
Each Lil’ Dipper comes with its own feeding bottle that kids can use to feed them with. They also come in different colors and styles so you are sure to find one that your kids will fall in love with!
Robotic Plush Cat
This very cute robotic cat is a great choice for younger kids who would like a cat. but aren’t up to the task of looking after a real one. It’s super soft and interactive and loves doing lots of tricks. It purrs and meows just like a real cat, and it is very cuddly. It comes in 5 beautiful colors, including black and white, grey, ginger, and plain white.
It does quite a few tricks, including walking, standing, sitting, lying down, and even handstands!
Joy For All Pet Cat
If you are looking for a more realistic cat alternative, you could consider the Joy For All Cats. These cats are really realistic, with built-in sensors that help the cats respond to motion and touch just like a real cat would. They also purr as real cats do, and their lifelike movements and responses are perfect if you are looking for a more realistic cat pet.
They come in 3 colors – grey, black and white, and ginger. These Joy For All Pets are an amazing option for kids who love cats but can’t have one because they are allergic. They are also an option for special needs kids who need a cuddly pet that gives love and companionship.
Little Live Pets – Sunny The Bright Light Chameleon
Sunny The Bright Light Chameleon is a very cute chameleon pet for kids who prefer reptilian-type pets rather than soft and cuddly pets like cats and dogs.
Sunny lights up and changes color according to his moods and emotions – a great way to teach kids how to get in touch with their own emotions as well. Sunny is colorful and soft, reacts to your voice, and enjoys being petted and fed.
He has two different modes that include the nurture mode and the very fun party mode where he changes color to the beat of the music.
Lil’ Hamster
Lil’ Hamster is another really cool little pet from Little Live Pets! These little guys are soft and love exploring! They even have their very own running wheel just like a real hamster.
Just like the other Little Live Pets, Lil’ Hamster responds to touch and loves being petted and cuddled.
There are three Lil’ Hamsters to choose from – Strawbles, Sprinkz and Popmello. Popmello comes with her very own house playset, which includes a hamster wheel. The Lil’ Hamster House is the perfect little portable carry case so that you can take these cute little fur balls wherever you go!
While toys that are like real pets might not be exactly like the real thing they definitely are an option for you if either you or your kids aren’t ready to have real pets. And just because you aren’t ready for pets, life doesn’t need to be a drag! There are lots of toys that you can buy in the meantime until everyone in your family is up to the responsibility of taking care of a pet.