Learn How To Play Blind Man’s Bluff + 9 Fun Variations!

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Blind Man’s Bluff is one of those timeless games that has been passed down from generation to generation – And it is still just as much fun today as what it was back in the day! It is an awesome game that is easily played inside or outside by just about anyone and is perfect for kids’ parties and any other occasion when a little fun is needed!

How To Play Blind Man’s Bluff

Blind Man’s Bluff is a really fun game where one player is blindfolded and he has to chase and catch the other players. This is what you will need to play!

  • Number of players: Four or more – the more players the better!
  • What you need: Just one blindfold.
  • Age group: Kids of all ages can play this game. Adults are welcome too!
  • How long does the game last: About 15 – 30 minutes.

Rules For Playing Blind Man’s Bluff

How To Play Blind Man's Bluff

One player is chosen to be the blind man and they are blindfolded. The blind man is then positioned in the middle of the game area while everyone else positions themselves around him. The blind man is then spun around 3 times to disorientate him and when released has to find the other players.

The other players are not allowed to move their feet away from the spots that they have chosen. They can however maneuver their bodies so that the blind man can’t touch them. The players are allowed to make noises to distract the blind man and throw him off course if they would like to. However, any noise a player makes could make him an easy target!

When the blind man finds someone he must guess who that person is. If he guesses correctly then that person will become the blind man in the next round of the game. If he guesses incorrectly then he must try to find another player.

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How to play blind man's bluff

Variations of The Blind Man’s Bluff Game

There are some really fun variations of Blind Man’s Bluff that you can try which are just as fun as the original game.

Blind Man’s Dodge

This is very similar to the traditional Blind Man’s Bluff game, with the exception that the players can move out of the way of the blind man after he has been spun around three times. The players are encouraged to call out to the blind man and dodge out of his way as he chases them. As soon as someone is caught they will then become the new blind man.

Blind Man’s Circle

In this version of the game, the kids form a circle around the blind man who has already been blindfolded.

The kids walk in a circle around the blind man and only stop when he claps three times. The blind man then randomly points to one of the kids in the circle and they must join him in the center.

A two-minute timer is then started and the blind man must then chase the player until either he is either caught or time runs out. When the player is caught he becomes the new blind man. If he isn’t caught then the original blind man must point to another player and they must join him in the middle of the circle.

Blind Man’s Silence

In this version of the Blind Man’s Bluff game, the players must remain perfectly silent while the blind man searches for them. The blind man must move around until he touches someone. When he does then he must guess who the person is. If he guesses successfully then that person becomes the blind man in the next round. In this version of the game, the players can decide whether they may move around while the blind man searches for them or if they must remain perfectly still.

Blind Man’s Ball

Blind Man’s Ball is another really fun version of Blind Man’s Bluff. In this version, the blind man is once again in the center of the circle. He has a ball which he randomly tosses to one of the players. The players must try to catch the ball and when they do the blind man must ask “Who ‘s there?”. The player who caught the ball must then answer saying “It’s me” trying their best to disguise their voice so that the blind man doesn’t recognize them (silliness is encouraged!). If the blind man can correctly guess who caught the ball then they become the new blind man.

Blind Man’s Revenge

In this variation of the game, when the blind man tags someone they leave the game. The blind man must then tag all the remaining players until there is no one left. The last person to be tagged becomes the new blind man.

Blind Man’s Touch

In this version of Blind Man’s Bluff, the children again stand in a circle around the blind man. One child then covers the blind man’s eyes with his hands instead of a buff. Another player then leaves the circle and touches the blind man on his head. The blind man must then guess who touched him. If he guesses correctly then the child who touched him becomes the new blind man.

Blind Man’s Tribe

This version adds a really fun twist to the traditional Blind Man’s Bluff game! Instead of only one person being blindfolded like in the traditional game, in this variation, all the players are blindfolded except one. The unblindfolded player is given a tiny bell that makes a noise each time they move. All the other blindfolded players must now try to catch the unblindfolded player. Whoever is successful becomes the unblindfolded player in the next round.

Blind Man’s Creature

Blind Man’s Creature is played in the same way as the traditional game with the exception that, if someone is caught by the blind man, they must make the sound of any animal. The blind man must then try to guess who they are. The blind man can request that the person he has captured repeat the sound two more times. If he still can’t guess who he has caught he must release that person and try to find someone else. When he is able to successfully guess who the person is then they will become the blind man in the next round.

Blind Man’s Steps

In this variation of the game, the player who is blindfolded stands in the center of the play area. All the other players choose positions around him at varying distances. One player is then chosen to tell the blind man how many steps he must take to touch someone. The blind man must then guess the direction and the step size he must take to catch someone. Once he has made his move and he hasn’t caught someone, the player must once again tell him how many steps to move. This is repeated until he eventually catches someone who will then become the blind man in the next round. This version of Blind Man’s Bluff might sound really easy, but try it and you will see that it can be a little more tricky than you expect!

History Of Blind Man’s Bluff

Traditionally, the game of Blind Man’s Bluff was originally called Blind Man’s Buff, and there are references to the game that date all the way back to Ancient Greece! It has also been traditionally played in Japan, Asia, and Europe.

Interestingly, the game was originally very popular among adults before becoming an awesome kids’ party game!


Blind Man’s Bluff is a game that is enjoyed by kids of all ages and I hope this guide has helped you if you want to learn how to play Blind Man’s Bluff! And if you are planning any kid’s outdoor activities or outdoor games, then you can’t go wrong with this timeless game!